I now have the simple specification that I have a text field in a Node which always needs to be uppercase, whatever the editor enters in the field. As a second specification I also want all spaces removed from the field values.
I could not find an example snippet to start up from, so I thought better publish this, maybe someone else will have an easier live than me....
Field x: user may enter any character, but on saving the field all characters will be uppercased.
Field x: Also, alle whitespaces will be removed from the string
1. Create a module, in this example called customchr.
1. a Create info file customchr.info
name = Custom CHR
description = Custum manipulations for the CHR site
package = Overboord
core = 7.x
2. Create module file customchr.module
function customchr_node_presave($node) {
if ($node->type == 'publication') {
// convert to uppercase
// strip all whitespaces
$node->field_publication_code[und][0][value]= preg_replace('/\s+/', '', $tempstring);
I don't think it will work because when I am trying to get value of a field its not coming, here is output like var_dump output, how to get a value of var_dump output ?
ReplyDeleteCan you show me your code?