Friday, August 1, 2014

Drupal 7 - Omega 4.x with Sass - how to add a css to the theme

(this is a post under construction, more or less. I am digging into the omega4 -Sass - theming setup framework. Just rather pissed off by spending two whole days on installing RVM - one of the prerequisites for using Sass - on my mac. Will write a blog about that process, when I don't feel the need for strong langiuage anymore. This is just a post about simple tasks you wnat to perform and which nonody seems to want to add to the documentation. Probably because only fools like me don't know how to perform these simple tasks....)

This post supposes you have an omega 4 subtheme installed and the Sass environment set up and you have the guard running on your subtheme folder (bundle exec guard)
(see f.i.

1. Open your subtheme info file (in this example my subtheme is called rli2015, so we open
2. Add a line in the stylesheets section
 stylesheets[all][] = css/
3. navigatie to your sass folder (in this example themes/rli2015/sass) and add a file
4. Imediately a file will me generated in your css folder
5. This css file will also be added to your rendered page

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